On October 29, 2021, I took a small trip over the Fox River to a project of the Fox River Valley Initiative. This was the culmination of their initiative.

1212 Larkin in Elgin is a real success story. Amanda Reilly-Sokoli, DU organizer, has reported on this previously, and there are 48 units for about 90 people, all affordable housing. Numerous people from DuPage United were present. Amanda, Greg Pierce, Jackie Bakker (FRVI), Kevin Lattner, Debbie Fulks, Colette Hazard, Jeri Shaw, Rabbi Steven Bob, Stephen Davis and others, besides the FRVI crowd. A guest, Tina Amodeo from Christian Church of Villa Park also joined us. About 150 folks were present for the Grand opening. The main building is a restored historic building and the other units are new-build multi-level apartments. Beautiful place, and I had a conversation with Lindsey Haines, VP of Full Circle Communities, the organization which worked together with FRVI on this project.
They needed to not only find numerous sources of funding, but had many meetings with the building commission and neighbors. Yes! Neighbors! It is a very nice residential area but through the meetings and interpersonal contact with the neighbors, they were able to achieve a great level of local acceptance and cooperation. Fox River Valley Initiative went door-knocking and their hard work was instrumental in having these conversations with the neighbors, which made the project possible. But for those who now have a nice, stable place to live, it is life-changing, and it is anticipated that the nice and well-kept buildings may increase the local property values.
Who can apply to live there? Generally people who are of low-income and struggle to find good housing, families who need housing assistance, and potentially a sub-group of our interest area, individuals or families who have had mental health issues. Some of the units, of course, have disability access.
We need and seek more such facilities, and in Glen Ellyn we envision six new developments totaling a minimum of an additional 150 new units of Affordable, Accessible and Supportive Housing. I do not have to tell you that the need is great. But if we did not wish to make positive changes in the world, we would not be members of DU/FRVI and Metro IAF, right? Yes.
On November 3rd we were invited by April Redzic President and CEO of PADS, to a blessing of the new building for their interim housing at the Red Roof Inn on Butterfield Rd. at Finley, in Downers Grove. Presently almost 100 adults and children are safely sheltered at this location. Pastor Scott Oberle presided over the blessing. Amanda, Jeri Shaw, Clara Hughs, Leah Ostwald and Debbie Fulks were also there. The repurposed hotel has provided Emergency Housing since the outset of the Covid-19 pandemic. PADS, Public Action to Deliver Shelter, of DuPage County, is using this to provide temporary housing to homeless people. They have a plan to totally purchase this property by Spring, 2022! I also had a good conversation with Chad Pedigo, VP of Development for DuPage PADS as well as April Redzic.

However, my point is that the main issue is the need for Affordable, Accessible and Supportive Housing. If PADS succeeds in their initiatives, they succeed in providing temporary shelter. We are trying to find permanent housing solutions for folks who need this. Two different angles to the same problems: poverty and associated homelessness. Both organizations seek to find unusual solutions to complex problems.
So, for us, the project in Glen Ellyn is our next AASH project and we all, whoever and in whatever capacity, can help to create another success.
There is a team of DuPage United leaders who live, work, or worship in and around Glen Ellyn- heading up the Glen Ellyn "AASH" project. And of course Amanda Reilly-Sokoli, can also be contacted at reillysokoli@gmail.com.
One of the famous people whose name I forget, said something like “Just because I cannot finish a project, does not mean I should not start.” So, let us start and continue. Onward.
David Rinaldi. David.watsongeorge@gmail.com